Monday, June 18, 2012

Bike spray painting

Check it out! My friend Kyle made the Nanjing news in a two minute puff piece: 30元换新装:老外校园摆摊给自行车美容

When we lived in Nanjing, my friends and I all got cheap bikes to cruise around town and tempt death between busses and a nation of people who all only just learned how to drive a few decades ago. However, it's pretty easy for bikes to get stolen--and often returned to the place you just bought it from to be sold again--since all clunkers look the same.

Kyle solved that problem by making stencils of flames, scallop shells and stars and spray painting bikes so they would stand out and theives would pass them by. For 30元 (yuán) or less than $5 US, Kyle will paint up your bike in a couple minutes flat.